Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tell The Truth and Shame The Devil!

I have spent many an hour debating with myself as to how to reach out and “spread the word” so to speak. Of course being a little “one man band” has never helped. How do you get to tell the world and his wife about issues that may have a huge impact on life and health – some of it positive; some of it negative? Of course we can tell those closest to us and try to get them to tell their friends and family, but what next? Social media and the networking it is providing is certainly a good platform to replace my “old soapbox” – I think there’s a strong possibility I have missed my vocation standing at Hyde Park on a Sunday afternoon; box and speech in hand, ready to inform all who are willing to listen!

Those of you who know me, understand only too well that I am a person who listens to reason and balances things carefully before making informed decisions. The fact I am writing blogs and they could be read by anyone, anywhere, anytime, means I need to make sure that anything I do say is credible rather than just ‘newsworthy’. So, how come when the subject of sunlight, UV exposure and sunbeds is mentioned, the so called ‘intellects’ of this world can paint such unbalanced pictures to inform the general public and get away with it? The answer is quite simply down to money.

Think about it; - sunshine is free, a controlled UV light exposure session on a sunbed costs very little and the vitamin D that is absorbed by the body from that exposure costs nothing. That means, there isn’t really a great fortune to be made from these. However a great fortune can be had and shared amongst a select few if you go completely against Mother Nature and how she intends us to live (exposed to UV light in moderate doses). It’s very simple really: get cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies to manufacture chemical sunscreens that block out UV light (and stop Vitamin D from being produced) and then scare people out of the sun, preferably by making the ‘sun scare’ announcements sound like public service messages via societies that appear totally credible in their actions (cancer societies and women’s ‘high society’ magazines for example). The manufacturers pay a nice tidy sum of money to their ‘chosen’ societies to spread the gospel according to St. Sunscreen and bingo – the public think the message of avoiding UV light like it is a plague, can’t possibly be wrong! $US35 billion shared around dermatologists, cancer societies and magazine advertorials/editorials is not to be sniffed at and let’s face it, who in their right mind would give up a share of that level of money?

It is interesting and heart warming to see that there are indeed some very honest and trustworthy professionals out there who are now brave enough to speak out against these shoddy practises and tell the world that sun scare is all wrong and that there has never ever been a proven case of a sunbed causing cancer anywhere in the world to date.

If you really care about your family and friends; and I’m sure you do, tell them to have a sunbed session at a studio with trained, knowledgeable personnel that have beds which are modern, well serviced and have a consistent dose of UVB or regular, moderate sun exposure. Make sure to let them know they must never ever burn and if they want to be educated about UV light exposure and vitamin D – make sure they ask someone who knows their subject matter and is an expert in their field! Our website has links to some of the most eminent professionals in this field and surely, they can’t all be wrong when they say a little and often is best and in the interests of health, you DO need sunshine.