Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Get Real! Myths About UV.

Get Real! Myths About UV.

Myths and Misconceptions About UV and Tanning......
The purveyors of sun-scare, in inexplicable blind zeal for their cause,
have made some outlandish and unsupportable statements about sunshine,
UV, Vitamin D and tanning.
Think about this: Because sunshine is free, there is no powerful pro-sun PR lobby aggressively countering these misstatements.
Think about it some more: Just imagine if a large pharmaceutical company did own the sun and was able to send you a bill or your monthly sunshine. The mass-media marketing message you got about sunshine – based on the same science that exists today – would be completely positive.
The statements that follow show you that, when it comes to “sun scare” marketing is more important than science.

She Said It:
“Many sunscreen companies have just teeter-tottered staying in business.
It’s not easy getting rich in the sunscreen business.”
– Boston University Dermatology Chair Barbara Gilchrest, in a guest
lecture at the 13th Workshop on Vitamin D, April 8, 2006 in Victoria,
Canada. Gilchrest was refuting the suggestion that sunscreen companies
profit from preaching all-out fear of the sun.

Get Real!
Sunscreen companies are enjoying record profits right now. Gilchrest
apparently doesn’t read sunscreen companies’ financial statements
very closely. Current up-to-For instance:

•» Mult-billion dollar pharmaceutical giant Schering-Plough (Coppertone)
reported sun-care sunscreens as making the division one of it's best
performers by percentage growth since 2003.This continues to grow annually.

•» Even bigger multi-billion dollar giant Johnson and Johnson’s consumer products unit – which markets sun care products like Neutrogena and Aveeno, continues to grow it's profits from sunscreen at an escalating rate every year without fail.
Neutrogena’s marketing uses some of the most aggressive sun-scare tactics of any sunscreen company.

Last year alone, the suncreen industry amounted to $US35 BILLION!!

Gilchrest and her peers apparently have an antiquated definition of
what a sunscreen company is. It isn’t just a beach product anymore.
Most women’s cosmetics today include sunscreen in their products
– marketing usage and need of the product based on over-hyping fear
of the sun. Because of this, most women wear sunscreen 365 days a year
in any climate – even when sunburn isn’t a possibility – because the
American Academy of Dermatology and sunscreen manufacturers have scared
them into over-use of sunscreen. “Sun scare” – is teaching total fear of
the sun instead of sunburn prevention – is a huge multibillion-dollar
business run by even larger multibillion-dollar cosmeceutical corporations.